6×12 Quaker Combo Coop
$4,214.00 plus Tax and Delivery. 6×12 Quaker Combo Coop. Urban Bronze and Black Metal Roof.
Large Vent, Nesting Boxes, Chicken Entry Door with Ramp, Windows with Screens, Clean out Lid.
Rent to Own Available $207 per month for 36 months
4×8 Quaker Style Combo Coop
$3,033 Plus Tax and Delivery. Victorian Grey, White Trim,
Pewter Metal Roof. Nesting Boxes,
Large Vent with Coated Wire,
Single Door, Rhino Floor Liner,
Chicken Door with Fold Up Ramp,
Single Door into Run, Metal Roof, Window with Screen.
Rent to Own $141 per Month for 36 Months.